Fourier transform of basis elements
— FunctionWintegrand(w,a,e,L,Ω1,Ω2,ψ,dψ,d2ψ,basis,params)
Integrand computation/update for FT of basis elements
— FunctionWBasisFT(a,e,Ω1,Ω2,n1,n2,)
Fourier Transform of basis elements using RK4 scheme result stored in place
with basisFT struct
without Ω1, Ω2
Integral over the resonance line
— FunctionMakeGu(ndFdJ,n1,n2,Wdata,tabu[,params])
function to compute G(u)
— FunctionRunAXi(FHT,params)
function to make the decomposition coefficients "a" of the response matrix M
these values do not depend on the frequency being evaluated: which makes them good to table
is this struggling from having to pass around a gigantic array? what if we did more splitting?
Response matrix computations
— FunctiontabM!(ω,tabM,tabaMcoef,tabωminωmax,FHT,params)
computes the response matrix M(ω) for a given COMPLEX frequency ω in physical units, i.e. not (yet) rescaled by 1/Ω0.
@IMPROVE: The shape of the array could maybe be improved
See LinearTheory.jl for a similar version